Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Nivea Stelmann

Nivea Stelmann Leoncio ( Paraiba do Sul , April 6 of 1974 ) is an actress in Brazil . Premiered on TV in 1993 , one of the main roles in the series Family Brazil , produced by Network Headline . In the Globe, his first major role came in The Untamed in 1997 , as the daughter of Mayor Ipiranga, character Paulo Betti , sweet espivitada Carolaine.
In 2001 he participated in the second phase of the telenovela O Clone , as Ranya, second wife of Said Muslim's character, Dalton Vigh , husband of the protagonist Jade. Already in 2003 , lived her first villain on television, Mary Grace of Chocolate with Pepper . In 2005 enshrines in the teledarmaturgia as the troubled Alexandra Twin Soul .